Saturday, December 31, 2011

A quiet end to 2011

The last few days of 2011 have been fairly calm on the shaky planet. Several days have past since anything in the red zone and nothing above 5.4 anywhere on Earth.
2011 will be remembered for the 9.0 magnitude quake and resultant tsunami in Japan back in early March where they are a long way from recovered from the devastation. The 5.8 quake here in Central Va will never leave our memories and our recovery, while trivial compared to Japan, is still a long way from over. New Zealand is still dealing with major aftershocks after a series of strong quake has trashed the city of Christ Church. The shaky earth is still doing what it does. Hang on in 2012!!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Usual Suspects

Nothing on today's (fairly light) earthquake list come as any surprise to a regular follower: Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, western America's,  some minor shakes in the southern Asian mountain belts and magnitudes are all in the 4's and 5's. Just Earth doing what it does.
The aftershocks in the Central Va. Equake Zone continue to shrink in magnitude and number; a good thing for those of us that don't like living in an active earthquake zone.
Earth is likely to have other plans (a figure of speech - I don't buy that the Earth has any plans of it's own - and I know that's a problem for some)