Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Greek Aftershocks and Other Good Shakes

Aftershocks in the Richter 4's continue off the coast of Greece following the 6.1 quake 3 days ago. Burma stays on the list with another 5.1 quake and Iran has a couple in the mid-4's; shaky along the southern Eurasian boundary. Japan and the Solomon Isles register quakes in the low to mid-5's and while not large, Indonesia has quakes on the list. The eastern edge of the Philippine plate has calmed a little after a few shaky days.
In the western hemisphere, Chile, a frequent visitor to any earthquake list is back today with a 5.5 quake and the North Atlantic Ridge (Reykjanes Ridge, actually) has been rocking of late; today a 5.1 with lots of slightly smaller quakes over the last several days.  Things have calmed in Bolivia - earthquake wise, anyway, if not politically, after a pretty good shake a few days back.
In the US, Utah, Oklahoma and Arkansas are back/still on the list (yes, Cali and Ak, too), a little more than probably any of those states would like. Respectively, 4.0, 3.2 and 2.6 - wonder how many are related -denied, of course- to fracking or other human/oil/water related activities??
But, what are we going to do on this cracked and broken and shifting planet? Hang on and get out and enjoy (a snowy), Today on Earth.

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